27 Dec 2018, 19:00

Confused Deputies Strike Back

A few weeks back Kubernetes had its first really severe security issue, CVE-2018-1002105. For some background on this, and how it was discovered, I recommend Darren Shepherd’s blog post, he discovered it via some side effects and initially it did not appear to be a security issue just an error handling issue. Of course we know well that many error handling issues can be escalated, but why was this one so bad?

To summarize the problem, there is an API server proxy component, that clients can use to talk to other API endpoints. As the postmortem document says

  • Kubernetes API server proxy components still use http/1.1 upgrade-based connection tunneling, which does not distinguish between request data sent by the apiserver while establishing the backend connection, and data sent by the requesting user

  • High and low-privilege API requests to aggregated API servers are proxied via the same component with the same high-permission transport credentials

Well, this security issue is actually well known enough to have its own name, it is the confused deputy problem, originally written about by Norm Hardy in 1988 although referring to an original example from the 1970s. The essence of the problem is that there are three parties involved, a user, a proxy or deputy type component and an object or service that needs to be accessed, or a similar set of endpoints. The user connects to the deputy to perform an action on an object, but the deputy can be persuaded to act on an object that it has access to rather than one the end user has access to.

Imagine asking your accountant to fill in your tax return. Your accountant has access to your tax return, but also to those of other customers. If the accountant is buggy or can be confused she could fill in one of these tax returns instead of yours. The general problem is that in order to run a tax return filing service, you need the ability to fill in lots of different people’s tax returns. You become a very privileged node, a superuser of tax returns. The tax office has to respect your authority to fill in lots of tax returns, and read them, so the accountant’s credentials must be very privileged. We see similar designs in all sorts of places, like suid applications in Unix that can do operations on behalf of any user and must be very highly trusted, and are often the source of security bugs.

What is the solution? Well we can not have these deputies. Fill in your own tax return! But in effect this says do not use microservices. If every endpoint needs to have the code for filling in tax returns we lose the benefit of microservices, we have to update lots of endpoints together, we cannot have a team building better accountant services and so on. What we really want is that the accountant does not have to be a superuser, but instead she has no permissions on her own but we can pass credentials (maybe time limited) to update our tax return (but not to generally impersonate us) with our request. This access control model is called capability-based security: access is granted via unforgeable but transferable tokens that provide access to objects. You can imagine they are keys, like passing your car key to a valet service, rather than the valet service having a master key for all cars that they might need to park.

The standard access control list (ACL) models of authorization are all about making decisions based on identity, a concept that clearly must not be transferable. I never want my accountant to have to (or be able to) pretend to be me to fill in my tax return. The classic solution in this case would be for me to be able to add additional people to the ACL for my tax return; this is modeled in new ACL frameworks like NGAC from NIST (sorry no link right now the website is down due to the government shutdown). This does not immediately seem applicable to the Kubernetes issue though, and is much more complex than passing my API access credential to the API proxy server. At this point I highly recommend the excellent short paper ACLs don’t by Tyler Close, one of my favourite papers (I should do a papers we love session on it). His examples mainly come from the browser, another prevalent deputy with a lot of security issues, such as CSRF another confused deputy attack. Capabilities are actually very simple to understand and reason about.

ACL based security is fine for many situations, in particular where there are only two parties and you just want to mediate access to a set of resources. But microservices do not appear to be in that sweet spot, as Kubernetes found out with its API proxy microservice. Bugs can be fixed, but as the retrospective points out all changes will need to be examined for security issues. As Tyler Close says “the correct implementation of an access policy cannot be ascertained by an examination of the ACLs configured for an application, but must also include an examination of the program’s source code. To date, this technique has been error prone.” It was not even the only bug that week that was a confused deputy issue, the Zoom critical bug was the same issue, where UDP packets could confuse the deputy service. These are critical issues happening on a regular basis, and no doubt many more lurk.

The entire reason for microservices is to have third parties to delegate services to, and we need to shift away from ACL based models to capabilities for microservices. Of course this is non trivial, distributed capabilities (as opposed to local ones) have not been used much and we don’t have a good infrastructure for them yet. I will write more about practicalities in a further post, but we need to start shifting security to be microservice native too not just adopting things that worked for monoliths.

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