21 Jan 2018, 23:00

Using the Noise Protocol Framework to design a distributed capability system


In order to understand this blog you should know about capability-based security. Perhaps still the best introduction, especially if you are mainly familiar with role based access control is the Capability Myths Demolished paper.

You will also need to be familiar with the Noise Protocol Framework. Noise is a fairly new crypto meta protocol, somewhat in the tradition of the NaCl Cryptobox: protocols you can use easily without error. It is used in modern secure applications like Wireguard. Before reading the specification this short (20m) talk from Real World Crypto 2018 by Trevor Perrin, the author, is an excellent introduction.


Our stacks have becoming increasingly complicated. One of the things I have been thinking about is protocols for lighter weight interactions. The smaller services get, and the more we want high performance services, the more the overhead of protocols designed for large scale monoliths don’t perform. We cannot replace larger scale systems with nanoservices, serverless and Edge services if they cannot perform. In addition to performance, we need scaleable security and identity for nanoservices. Currently nanoservices and serverless are not really competitive in performance with larger monolithic code, which can serve millions of requests a second. Current serverless stacks hack around this by persisting containers for minutes at a time to answer a single request. Edge devices need simpler protocols too; you don’t really want GRPC in microcontrollers. I will write more about this in future.

Noise is a great framework for simple secure crypto. In particular, we need understandable guarantees on the properties of the crypto between services. We also need a workable identity model, which is where capabilities come in.


Capability systems, and especially not distributed capability systems, are not terribly widely used at present. Early designs included KeyKos, and the E language, which has been taken up as the Cap’n Proto RPC design. Pony is also capability based, although these are somewhat different deny capabilities. Many systems include some capability like pieces though; Unix file descriptors are capabilities for example, which is why file descriptor based Unix APIs are so useful for security.

With a large number of small services, we want to give out fine grained capabilities. With dynamic services, this is much the most flexible way of identifying and authorizing services. Capabilities are inherently decentralised, with no CAs or other centralised infrastructure; services can create and distribute capabilities independently, and decide on their trust boundaries. Of course you can also use them just for systems you control and trust too.

While it has been recognised for quite a while that there is [an equivalence between public key cryptography and capabilities(http://www.cap-lore.com/CapTheory/Dist/PubKey.html), this has not been used much. I think part of the reason is that historically, public key cryptography was slow, but of course computers are faster now, and encryption is much more important.

The correspondance works as follows. In order for Alice to send an encrypted message to Bob, she must have his public key. Usually, people just publish public keys so that anyone can send them messages, but if you do not necessarily do this things get more interesting. Possession of Bob’s public key gives the capability of talking to Bob; without it you cannot construct an encrypted message that Bob can decode. Actually it is more useful to think of they keys in this case not as belonging to people but as roles or services. Having the service public key allows connecting to it; having the private key lets you serve it. Note you still need to find the service location to connect; a hash of the public key could be a suitable DNS name.

On single hosts, capabilities are usually managed by a privileged process, such as the operating system. This can give out secure references, such as small integers like file descriptors, or object pointers protected by the type system. These methods don’t really work in a distributed setup, and capabilities need a representation on the wire. One of the concerns in the literature is that if a (distributed) capability is just a string of (unguessable) bits that can be distributed, then it might get distributed maliciously. There are two aspects to this. First if a malicious agent has a capability at all, it can use it maliciously, including proxying other malicious users, if it has network access. So being able to pass the capability on is no worse. Generally, only pass capabilities to trusted code, ideally code that is confined by (lack of) capabilities in where it can communicate and does not have access to other back channels. Don’t run untrusted code. In terms of keys being exfiltrated unintentionally, this is also an issue that we generally have with private keys; with capabilities all keys become things that, especially in these times of Sceptre, we have to be very careful with. Mechanisms that avoid simply passing keys, and pass references instead, seem to me to be more complicated and likely to have their own security issues.

Using Noise to build a capability framework

The Noise spec says “The XX pattern is the most generically useful, since it supports mutual authentication and transmission of static public keys.” However we will see that there different options that make sense for our use case. The XX pattern allows two parties who do not know each other to communicate and exchange keys. The XX echange still requires some sort of authentication, such as certificates to see if the two parties should trust each other.

Note that Trevor Perrin pointed out that just using a public key is dangerous and using a pre-shared key (psk) in addition is a better design. So you should use psk+public key as the capability. This means that accidentally sharing the public key in a handshake is not a disastrous event.

When using keys as capabilities though we always know the public key (aka capability) of the service we want to connect to. In Noise spec notation, that is all the ones with <- s in the pre-message pattern. This indicates that prior to the start of the handshake phase, the responder (service) has sent their public key to the initiator (directly or indirectly). That is, that the initiator of the communication posseses the capability required to connect to the service, in capability speak. So these patterns are the ones that correspond to capability systems; for the interactive patterns that is NK, KK and XK.

NK corresponds to a communication where the initiator does not provide any identification. This is the normal situation for many capability systems; once you have the capability you perform an action. If the capability is public, or widely distributed, this corresponds more or less to a public web API, although with encryption.

XK, and IK are the equivalent in web terms of providing a (validated) login along with the connection. The initiator passes a public key (which could be a capability, or just used as a key) during the handshake. If you want to store some data which is attached to the identity you use as the passed public key, this handshake makes sense. Note that the initiator can create any number of public keys, so the key is not a unique identifier, just one chosen identity. IK is the same semantics but has a different, shorter, handshake with slightly different security properties; it is the one used by Wireguard.

KK is an unusual handshake in traditional capability terms; it requires that both parties know in advance each other’s public key, ie that there is in a sense a mutual capability arrangement, or rendezvous. You could just connect with XK and then check the key, but having this in the handshake may make sense. An XK handshake could be a precursor to a KK relationship in future.

In addition to the more common two way handshakes, noise supports unidirectional one way messages. It is not common to use public key encryption for offline messages, such as encrypting a file or database record at present. Usually symmetric keys are used. The noise one way methods use public keys, and all three N, X and K require the recipient public key (otherwise they would not be confidential), so they all correspond to capabilities based exchanges. Just like the interactive patterns, they can be anonymous or pass or require keys. There are disadvantages to these patterns, as there is no replay protection, as the receiver cannot provide an ephemeral key, but for offline uses, such as store and forward, or file or database encryption. Unlike symmetric keys for this use case, there is a seperate sender and receiver role, so the ability to read database records does not mean the ability to forge them, improving security. It also fits much better in a capabilities world, and is simpler as there is only one type of key, rather than having two types and complex key management.


I don’t have an implementation right now. I was working on a prototype previously, but using Noise XX and still trying to work out what to do for authentication. I much prefer this design, which answers those questions. There are a bunch of practicalities that are needed to make this usable, and some conventions and guidelines around key usage.

We can see that we can use the Noise Protocol as a set of three interactive and three one way patterns for capability based exchanges. No additional certificates or central source of authorisation is needed other than public and private key pairs for Diffie Hellmann exchanges. Public keys can be used as capabilities; private keys give the ability to provide services. The system is decentralised, encrypted and simple. And there are interesting properties of mutual capabilities that can be used if required.

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